Corn Snake Females
Corn Snake Females
- Honey Tessera. A member of our Ambassador group
- Max's & Rhiannon's daughter. Caramel Tessera het Motley, poss het Amel. She is a member of our Ambassador group
- Diffused het Anery, Hypo, poss het Amel, Caramel and Lavender.
- Tessera Charcoal Hypo, het Amel, phet Stripe & Anery (poss homo Tess)
- Anery Hypo Diffused. No known hets.
- Anery A Diffused het Hypo, poss het Scaleless.
- Amel Cinder Tessera poss het Hypo and Diffused (Wonder if Caramel is there too?) Part of our Ambassador group
- Max's daughter out of Mudd, owned by Nate Fox. Classic Tessera het Caramel, poss het Amel and Stripe. (Poss homo Tess) Part of our Ambassador group
Hognose Females - Western & Tricolor
Hognose Females - Western & Tricolor
- Amel poss het Pink Pastel.
- Tricolor Hognose 50% poss het ethrystic.
Ground Boa Females - Kenyan Sand and Rosy.
Ground Boa Females - Kenyan Sand and Rosy.
- Ghost San Felipe Rosy boa
- Mexican Rosy boa. Produced by us in 2012.
- Riverside Co. locality Rosy boa
- Anery Kenyan Sand boa, het Amel. A member of our Ambassador group
- Amel Kenyan Sand boa, het Anery. Part of our Ambassador group
Miscellaneous Breeder Females
Miscellaneous Breeder Females
- Green Bush ratsnake. Gonyosoma prasina.
- Amel Cape African House snake
- Silver Blonde Trans Pecos Ratsnake. A member of our Ambassador group
- Hypo Tangerine Honduran Milksnake. Young future breeder